Team Edith

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Team Edith

Edith & Larry

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Edith & Larry

Sparkles in the air

"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you." — Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Sparkles in the air
Lira RCC Lawrence Egole unveils soulmate
Lira RCC Lawrence Egole unveils soulmate

"Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without." — William Parrish

Awesomeness in full blast
Awesomeness in full blast

"You are the love that came without warning; you had my heart before I could say no."

Edith Introduced Lawrence Egole
Edith Introduced Lawrence Egole

"If I know what love is, it is because of you." — Herman Hesse, Narcissus and Goldmund

Sparkles In The Air
Sparkles In The Air

"Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get—only with what you are expecting to give—which is everything." — Katharine Hepburn


The beautiful people of Bata, Team Edith, Team Larry, friends and family!

Edith Introduced Larry

Special Thanks to Team Edith and Team Larry

Edith Egole
Edith Egole
Powered by Team Edith
Team Edith
Team Edith
Powered by Team Edith
Larry and Edith
Larry and Edith
Powered by Team Larry
Team Edith
Team Edith
Powered by Team Edith and Larry

Edith Introduced Lawrence

On that beautiful day in Bata, Dokolo district!

  • Edith and Lawrence Egole!

    "In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine." — Maya Angelou

    Edith and Lawrence Egole!
    Lawrence and Edith thank the people of Bata, Dokolo!

Edith introduced Lawrence

On that beatiful day in Dokolo